How to deal with MIL
So my mil was nice to us (so I thought?) before we had a baby. We basically had to pull teeth to get her and my fil to the wedding bc they don’t like to fly. When we gave birth we had a no visitor rule at the hospital for both sides of the family but they saw my daughter within a week of coming home. She made a stink about not being at the hospital. We have a no social media rule. My husband has a very high profile job and I’m not active on social media and generally we don’t believe that kids should be posted on social media. His mom has a big issue with that she says it’s not “fair” that she doesn’t get to show off her grandchild. I think it’s weird that you need to post on Facebook so a co-worker from 20 years ago that you don’t speak to needs to see your grandchild. Any ways, when she comes over she’s very passive aggressive towards me and told my husband recently that he’s become “disrespectful” which also seemed like a jab at me bc she thinks I’m the reason why he’s now setting boundaries with her. The hospital and social media idea were both my husband’s idea which I agreed with. All this to say, how are you dealing with mil, bonus points if you’re in an interracial marriage and having to deal with white women tears 🤣
I see your white woman tears and I raise you Filipino Catholic guilt and superstition..... at least your MIL doesn't live with you?