My little boy is the same, and so much worse with me compared to anyone else. He also bites and hits me when he is frustrated! Nothing seems to work
My daughter is also very strong minded, knows exactly what she wants. Being totally honest I’m getting very embarrassed taking her out because she is a total nightmare. She’s also never happy anymore which upsets me as I do as many fun things as I can with her and days out etc as I can and she’s still unhappy. She is far from a calm & easy going child and I think even my family and friends realise that. I’m 100% one and done 😅
I feel embarrassed taking mine out too especially to groups with really well behaved children! I feel like people are going to think it’s something I’ve done but it’s just how she is. She’s going through a real phase of hitting me now too!
I came on this group today to look at other moms going through maybe a hitting phase… I definitely believe it’s developmental and in theory I can totally understand but I think mom guilt and worry can just make you think it’s something we have done. New ages and new worries it’s endless lol x
My girls the same very strong willed , she laughs when I tell her off for something , she’s a biter and sometimes it is so bad I get left with really awful bruises. When I tell her off she laughs , so now I just tell her no and leave the room , she doesn’t do it half as much now and when she does and I react like that she’s starting to get the message and will listen xx