My son is talking quite a bit but I’m not sure if you mean by fully pronounce that they say the word correctly and in that case, no. They aren’t really going to say all words perfectly anyway at this age. If they are attempting to say the word, that’s perfectly okay. My son can point out objects I ask him to point to and he’s saying about 30 words
My son says about 11 words pretty well. He’s starting to say “over” bc he turns cars over a lot .
Not fully pronounce them. I saw a great TikTok from a speech therapist the other day about what speech and words are At this age. Let me see if I can find it Here it is!
My son has over 150 words but can fully pronounce only some. They're not supposed to be fully enunciating words yet! Like "buh" for bus counts. "Boo buh" is school bus. "Roro" is Robbie. At this point, really only the parents understand the majority of their speech!
My daughter is starting to get a little more verbal and seems to be learning new words by the day. Today she actually startled me when she said “I hear dada” as he was coming up the street 😂 i have been saying that to her since he went back to work at 5 months old I mean there was no confusion what she said cause it was clear as day. I spoke to a speech therapist briefly while at a pt appointment for my youngest and at 18 months they are considered on target for normal speech development as long as they say mama, dada and ATTEMPT 3 other words. But should be closer to a 25+ word vocabulary and 2 word phases (more milk etc) by 2
@Stephanie well I didn’t mean fully pronounce them like we do but I probably should’ve worded that differently lol. My daughter is only saying a few words. But she understands most of what I’m saying to her. I’m just wondering when she will say more words lol
@Marlene idk how many words she can say but now I’m on a mission to count lol. Her new words are “thank you” and “please”
@Kamari 💛 ooh ok good. She can say a few words but now I want to actually figure out what she can say lol. Her new thing is “please” and “thank you”
@Carrie thank you!!
Nope he's only says odd words and needs prompting a lot to say word any one he say on on his muma
Their speech usually takes off sometime between 18 and 24 months!
@Emily yay excited for this. Mines been such a babbler lately lol
I've lost count. I stopped my list like 3m ago and I had 50 then, that she said regularly. Shes spitting out so much I honestly can't believe it 😭 literally repeats every. (I always say I'm gonna get you before I tickle her .. now if she wants me to tickle her she says it in her little baby way 😭😭)
Not fully pronounce them, but she CAN say certain words, although she chooses not to a lot 😅