BLW vs Jars

Hi mummies! So I have a 14 month old daughter and I never done BLW with her I just found it scary and she gags quite a bit and is prone to making herself sick if she doesn’t like texture. With that being said she eats jar baby foods, normally porridge for breakfast then a jar with a fruit pot or a dessert pot thing. Her weight is great, now I know at some point I will need to get her to feed herself and giving her things she will need to bite and chew I am just so scared I keep putting it off! Any recommendations or just any suggestions would be highly appreciated! Please no hate or judgement I am aware we are behind on this journey!
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Has she had lumpy foods? That will help and soft foods like toast are a good start

Start with softer foods, cut blueberries, eggs, banana slices, avocado slices, maybe even crispy toast to naw on

@Helen yes she has she had bitty foods even softer cooked pasta and vegetables cut into smaller pieces and sometimes she is fine with it other times she gags

@Julianna thank you ❤️

Gagging is quiet a normal response because their gag reflex is at the front of their mouth when they're newborn as as they put things in their mouth to teeth they start to push it to the back of their mouth where it should be. Weaning helps this process. It's not a fun process, I hate the gagging too. But it does get better as they learn how far they can put things in their mouth and how much

Try the Solid Start app on how to appropriately cut and serve different food :)

Gagging is really normal and strangely is a good sign

Highly recommend solid starts app! ♥️🙌🏽 banana, buttery toast, scrambled eggs are a great place to start. ✨ xxxxx

my little one still gags sometimes on food that he already had before, we started mix of blw and pures at 6 months but toast and butter is great as a start..don’t worry, you’re not behind☺️14 months here and he still doesn’t have a proper meal ..just snacking on food.just remain calm when gagging and encourage her .i was terrified but it does get better x

Gagging is an important part of weaning, as horrible as it can be to watch! I'd bite the bullet personally and start BLW as if she was 6 months old. My girl is 8.5 months and will feed herself most things, she does gag sometimes though, but as time has gone on she's learnt and gags less. She will have plenty of teeth at this age, so I'd give toast, omelette, banana pancakes etc

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