I’d say she’s not ready x
Sounds like she’s not ready to me, I’d hold off for now and wait until she’s telling you she’s gone in her nappy or needs to go x
Don’t rush it as it can make them reluctant to do it. I’d personally say to try again in the summer. There’s no rush for it. She’s only just 2 xx
I had my daughter naked but we did it in summer (she was 18 months when we started). I put her on the toilet every half an hour but she was having accidents constantly so it ended up being ever 10 mins or so. The second day she did most of her wee’s on the toilet and the third day was better. I’d say she’s day time potty trained but we do still have accidents occasionally (she’s 2 now). Honestly I think it’s something in the first few days anyway you really need to dedicate time to, so if you’re working and not really paying attention then I’d wait til you have that time. And I wouldn’t ask if she needs to go, I’d just put her on the toilet every half an hour or whatever works for you guys, and if she does a wee then give lots of praise. Ultimately it’s your choice if you want to wait longer
No ideas at all as very much in a similar place. Waiting with bated breath for the magic wand…. 😂