Are you doing BLW? If so just make her the exact same as you but no salt and not too spicy, then just buy some in a stick down bowl or straight on to her tray, give her a spoon and let her play/put it to her mouth. Eat alongside her and she’ll catch on super quick. Just remember food is fun until one! (Even then some of them take until 18months for it to finally click!)
@Steffie we started doing purees because i was nervous. She’s now on chunky food mashed with a fork. I don’t want to completely go onto BLW because she’s used to 3 meals a day now and she won’t get anywhere near the same amount of food. But i have a plate that i put her food on, some for me to give her and some finger food.
That’ll be why she won’t feed herself then because she expects you to as you’ve been doing it this far. Sorry I haven’t done anything but BLW with my two so I don’t know the gradual process of spoon feeding. Hopefully someone else in another group can help as many people in here will be FTM ☺️
Like Helen said, just time and practice, watching other people eat etc. Keep going as you are but incorporate some finger foods as part of each meal and then as she gets better with it you can move over to BLW style, because like you said she's eating a full meal being spoon fed at the moment so you don't want to reduce that x
You’re doing nothing wrong, follow their lead… little encouragement here and there. All shall be good, please do not put pressure on yourself. Solid start has good guidance, even with puree they can choke. They have gag reflex, try not to worry. Just make it fun and be face to face when teaching how to feed. Perhaps try sitting together when having dinner or so, they also learn from looking.
You’re not doing anything wrong. It just takes time and practice. My son hasn’t tried feeding himself yet but I’m not concerned.