My LO settled in on the second week. They absolutely love going in. I definitely think it’s down to the staff if they can connect with your child.
The staff just don’t seem to have a bond with her at all. She really likes one member of staff who was sweet and silly with her, but she’s now on maternity leave and she’s struggling so much
Pull her out - it’s simply not worth it ❤️ When you find the right childcare setting, you’ll know 💐
I would take her out asap. She must be very upset and it seems as though they’re not looking after her properly with nappy rashes, maybe spend a little more time with her before putting her into a new nursery if possible?
As above, if she's not settled after 3 months I'd find somewhere else. Have you tried childminders too? My LO has been going since Sept and took a week to settle, I know they all go at their own pace but you'll know when you find the one suited to your child! No outdoor play sounds odd, do they just not have outdoor space or don't do outdoor walks? My LO has sensitive skin and has never once had nappy rash at nursery and 9/10 very happy at hand over.
Thank you all, i had no luck with a nursery, but I have a visit with two child minders this week, I’ve pulled her out and we’re currently using family until we can get her into somewhere. But already feel so much more positive about finding somewhere new ❤️
We are 2 months in and LO hasn’t still settled either. We are still accompanying her for settling sessions, she won’t stay calm for a minute without either of the parent. So it is tough and every child settles differently I feel. We feel so broken too seeing her super upset, we haven’t even left the room and it is so hard. Just letting you know you are not alone and finger crossed LO’s settle well, that’s all I can say.