@Tuesday Hahahha! Yes he’s all over me all the time! I just need to find some ‘games’ to play with him to entertain him I guess and learn myself how to play with a 9 month old.. I think when he’s older I won’t find it so hard x
My little boy does this a lot too I just kind of let him lead because I've read that the closeness and physical touch can really help with the separation anxiety a lot of babies start to feel around 8-10 months. We do play a lot of peekaboo and he likes to sit on my tummy while we sing or sit on my knee to turn the pages in a book (not allowed to read them anymore since he learnt to turn the pages)
Omg I feel the exact same way! His pretty good at independent play but like you said after a while his bored of it but when I try to play he doesn’t really care about it, he also wants to play with everything he can’t or climb on everything he shouldn’t 😅 it was something I was dreading and still am about his wake windows getting bigger as it means more entertainment but what so I’d love to know other people’s suggestions for activities to do! But don’t feel alone because I feel this!
@Hannah I was going to suggest peekaboo too. I've been going to a Sing and Sign class and my little one enjoyed peekaboo there so I've tried it at home to more giggles. And agree with the singing - again do songs from sing and sign so she recognises them
@Crystal I literally go out all the time to avoid having to play with him and I feel so bad cos also he probs wants a day indoors aswell as I do 😂
@Helen I sing to him when I change his nappy and dress him and it’s the only thing that will keep him still and stop him from wriggling off x
Exactly the same! I keep thinking I should be doing more, but I just don’t know what. I’m a climbing frame for her but yet I can sit her in her ball pit / play mat with her toys and he’s happy as Larry playing away. I’m glad it’s not just me.
My mum and dad basically told me I don’t play with him enough and I need to entertain him more and learn how to play with him and it just got my back up but I realise I just don’t know how to play with him.. and it’s actually upset me tbh x
So as above my little boy really likes peekaboo and singing and dancing....he's not so bothered about the traditional way to do peekaboo but if there's a wall or something to hide behind and then pop back out of ..gets him in stitches every time .. Still loves looking af us both in the mirror too will say Where's mummy or Where's Rory and he will point
He also likes bouncing on my knee like "barbers shop" ect But other than that really I'm not allowed to play with his toys with him because he just won't have it ...your not alone xx
It’s exhausting trying to play with them every day. I’m in the same boat I get climbed on all the time. I just thought it might be their ages and they are still a bit too young.
At this age they are still just figuring out the world and their bodies etc so playing doesn’t really look how we think ❤️. My daughter is still very happy entertaining herself with a pack of wipes 😂. It sounds like you’re doing everything you need to be doing! I wouldn’t worry at all. I also have a nearly 3 year old and she makes it very clear how she wants to play 😅 so my thoughts are enjoy the age where they don’t need much to entertain them - your presence is plenty - you will soon be playing shopkeeper for hours on end 😅! Xx
I feel like at the moment mine is really focusing on her physical development. She isn't really bothered by toys since starting to crawl unless she can chase it and would rather crawl through tunnels and climb stuff so we've just been doing alot of that and going to soft plays. It really tires her out and then we can sit and chill and read together. She also loves nursery ryhmes and practicing actions from them atm xx
I feel the same sometimes. Have you tried opening draws in your kitchen, bedrooms and letting your baby to go through stuff exploring? Just need to make sure that all items are safe. Sometimes we watch through the window and I tell him what we see.
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@Vaida he opens them himself 😂 and I let him play with some things x
@Elena 😂
My girl climbs on me a lot too but we have one game she loves, it’s the OBall and she’s amazing at throwing it (obvs not intentional throwing it she just holds its and throws her arms around and it goes flying) so I sit opposite her and we throw it to each other, it makes her laugh and she will do it for ages. We also have an activity cube and she’s pretty interested in playing with all the different sides of that even when I’m next to her
All my little boy does is climb on me..pulling my face and hair ....exactly the same he plays well independently but as soon as mummy wants to play he's all over me and not even bothered with his toys ...I just think it's b3cause we're there mum and they want us over a toy maybe ...they just want to be as close as possible maybe but who knows ....my little boy literally grabs my head and pulls it to his head and stares into my eyes as if to say you are mine 😅