They’re all so different my son probably wasn’t crawling until later can’t remember exactly he walked around 14 months old. My little girl is 9.5 months and nearly walking, don’t stress they’ll get there when they’re ready xx
We went from rocking to crawling in a few days. As soon as their on the move it's so much more stressful so don't wish these still days away 🙃
6 weeks for us
Took about 2 weeks for us. Happened quite quickly from army crawling to rocking on all 4s and proper crawling
About a week if rocking before she started throwing herself backwards and then a week after we had army crawling , a week after proper crawling. But my daughters always been very determined. She's 10 months and has started to walk with aids..... I'm like slow down!! Slow down!!! She only started standing last week, now she wants to be off.
Mine has been getting up on all 4s for a good few weeks but no crawling on hands and knees yet, he can army crawl though. I will be honest i am in no rush for him to be moving any quicker than he is already 😆
My LO isn’t showing any signs of crawling yet. I’ll put her on her tummy etc & she can slide herself round in a circle / but she has no interest in crawling. She will stand for a couple seconds n her own though.
My little girl started rocking around 7 months but didn't crawl until just before 9 months.