And congratulations!!!!!
First, all big congrats!! All my symptoms seemed to calm theirselves down when I was pregnant. i would recommend to keep taking your pregnancy vitamins throughout the whole pregnancy. If you take inositol, if you have a pregnancy safe one, you can continue taking that. Keep a healthy diet throughout this helps with weight gain. This can help if you are getting a test GD. Exercising. Just a gentle walk, or if you do the gym, you can continue.
What @Kierstyn said. Also do keep in touch with your care team. Do monitor your blood sugar if advised to. Do not stress if things feel weird - contact that care team!
@Kierstyn thank you so much! Will 100% keep an eye out for this x
@Jessie thank you! I will take a look at my inositol! X
@Desi thank you so much x
I just wanted to say big congratulations I have friends with PCOS and it is a major blessing with the long wait I’m super excited for you!
@Layla Caron thank you so much 🥺 honestly feels like a miracle x
Congrats :)Try to stay active and walk everyday, take the multivitamin and you can ask your doctor about it but taking baby aspirin from 13 weeks can help you prevent preeclampsia.
As a note to calm you and to not think you need anything other than normal pregnancy advice - which I would think all the above is good advice for ANY pregnancy. I have PCOS, had 3 pregnancies, and had no medical advice that indicated I needed to do anything other than treat it as a normal pregnancy. That is to say, trying to be as active as you can, and have the best diet you can is always good advice. Also, listen to your body. If you feel tired or ill - listen to your body. Rest is equally important at this stage of your life when you need it! Just listen to your care provider/s and do the best you can!
Watch out for the preeclampsia symptoms towards the end of your second trimester and into your third. I had it with my pregnancy and had to be induced early. I was told by my OB that even though they’re not positive of all the things that lead to preeclampsia it seems to trend higher in patients with PCOS.