Do your in laws offer to have your little on?

My finance has asked his mom 3/4 times does she want our Lb overnight do we can have a date night, she just ignores the convo and changes the subject, it’s really awkward! I’d rather her just say no!
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Meant to say never! No my mother in law never offers to have her she sees her once a month when we go over for dinner for an hour, weird isn’t it, you would think they would love to see them more or spend more time with them 1-1 xx

We have my father-in-law around, and we just asked for help—we waited to see if it would come naturally. We both have to be at work one day that he doesn't have daycare, so he will be with him for half a day. He's the only person we have around, and it has been hard. We're considering moving back to Brazil to get the occasional help that my family would more than happily provide.

I mean, it's February and my son stayed home 4 days already because he was sick. I've used 6pto and it's February. It's insane over here.

Have never left my son with my in-laws for more than 15-20 mins while popping to the shop. They’re both in their 70s with medical/physical struggles though so I just feel like it would be too much to ask of them. I’m sure they’d offer if they felt up to it but I think they agree it would be too much. Thankfully my mum is younger and better placed so she has him for us quite a bit x

My MIL watches her twice a week while I work. I'm not ready for overnights, plus she still breastfeeds through the night so it's not the right time.

My in laws always help my sister in law keeping her son for weeks, and never ever offered to keep ours for even an hour. 🙈

No, but she isn't a baby/toddler kinda person. She loves to see our little one but I'd never ask her to look after her but my mum has her one day a week and is a big support to my family. My MIL does take my older child on really fun days out though, she seems to bond better with older children.

I think it must be an in-law thing then! As my mom is quite happy to offer out do we can have some child free time 🤣🤣 I prefer him to be with my mom anyway! But it would be nice for them to show an interest!

My in laws live 5-5.5 hour drive away and are old, so not up to it. We have asked them to have our 3yo and 16mo overnight for the first time in May though. We are away for a night for my husband’s 40th and didn’t want to ask my dad as he has them a lot as it is.

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