@✨Wis 🇭🇹 no pls I need all the advice I can get. I haven’t been to that group so I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to post there
You can definitely post in those group, ppl ask questions like yours often. Or you can message me if you feel comfortable. I’d rather not answer in this group cause it can get confusing with people giving advice but it’s not in line with our faith I will say one thing you can do is to pray for him and pray for him to be a Ephesians 5 man. If you read Ephesians 5:23-28 you’ll see what exactl that entails
@✨Wis 🇭🇹 he was raised to believe that counseling or any type of therapy is for weak men 🙄 so I already know he’s not going for that. And I’ve come to him calm and collected to talk about this multiple times with no success. Does he try to censor his cursing? Yes. But it still slips out
Ok if he’s trying then give him grace. He won’t change overnight. In the meantime pray for him
@✨Wis 🇭🇹 I’ve definitely been praying for him. But he literally told me he’s not willing to change how he speaks even for his own kids. So I’m just conflicted
Ask God what to do and wait on God to answer. When you’re praying for him, what is God telling you? You don’t have to tell me cause that’s personal. But this is what happens when you’re unequally yoke unfortunately. Continue to seek God about it and him
@✨Wis 🇭🇹 he shows me his true colors. I notice when I pray and ask God to show me I always somehow end up upset. And we have other issues in our relationship but this specifically isn’t something that I think he’s willing to change and it’s sad
Well God is definitely showing you something. I would encourage to do some premarital counseling with your pastor. Ultimately you have to ask God is this who you’re supposed to marry. Unfortunately, just because you’re with someone or have children with them, doesn’t mean they’re God’s will for you. I’m sure you want to live fully for God and not live in sin. So continue to seek God and ask God for clear instructions on how to deal with this. But if God is showing you this man isn’t your husband then it will be up to you to be obedient in that regard. I hope everything gets better for you! You can always message me if you want to talk more in detail 🤍🙏🏾
@@✨Wis 🇭🇹hank you I appreciate your advice 🩷
You’re welcome! You should check out this video https://youtu.be/_m-djMHVbP0?si=XTAlxVPlL0QH0HxR I believe it will give you much clarity! There’s also Christian pods on this app with an awesome community and you can always ask questions and hear other women’s testimony that were in a similar situation like yours
This post wouldve been better in a Christian group, if you’re looking for Christian advice based on the teachings of Jesus. But since you said you don’t subscribe to a specific religion I will keep the biblical advice unless you want it Have you ever thought about doing premarital counseling with him? As far as his behavior goes in front of your daughter I would sit him down and have a serious conversation about that with him.