yall won’t even believe the shit i just found out about my bf/baby daddy. he has a porn/sex addiction and has been cheating on my since day 1 of our relationship and we’ve been together almost 2 years. he did it while i was in labor and just a few days post partum and basically everyday. he’s spend thousands of dollars on OF and passes and probably other things. there’s girls on all socials. he has fake accounts the list goes on. i’ve been raising our son alone this entire time he never helps and to find out he’s been doing this makes sense. i did know that he was watching other girls and lusting over them i just didn’t know the extent of it. obviously it makes r feel bad about myself especially since i dont look the same as when we first got together. i’m not the 120 pound girl he fell in love with. but i had a baby and i literally gave him life and a purpose but i guess it wasn’t enough. ALSO hes literally married?!?? he says it was a green card marriage and no one can find her and he’s trying to get a divorce but none of that even matter because the bottom line is that he lied. AND HIS FAMILY KNEW. they let me be with him and birth his child knowing he was married and didn’t tell me. there’s so much more drama and stuff but i don’t even know how this is my life. it’s sad but it’s just also so laughable because wtf.
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Yea the family is always the worst in these situations. They’re always gonna lie for them and have their back

I thought the porn addiction was the worst bit..then it got worse! 😫 what an arsehole honestly! And his family..😒 wtf…

What a scumbag. You deserve better. Just think it’s better you found out now then in 20 years x hope your doing okay

Sounds to me like you got pregnant before you knew this person? You haven’t been together long and sadly things come out of the woodwork and it seems it definitely did with him. You need to leave and get you and your baby a good life x

Girl, run before you end up with HIV.

Run run run don't believe a word

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