We have a potty so he gets used to seeing it in the bathroom and have been saying 'weewee' and 'poopies' to him when he goes since he was tiny. He knows the words now and often he will follow me into the bathroom (he screams atm if he can't follow me) and I say mummy is having a wee wee and he stands there and does one as well 🤣 I still think he's too young to be trying to take nappies off him, while he knows the words he's far off knowing himself when he needs to go and telling me he needs to go.
I think i’m going to buy a potty and before bath time and bedtime just try sit her on it just to get used to it. Whether she actually goes or not the idea is there! I wouldn’t stress though, they’ll show signs when they’re ready! Apparently when I was a baby I kept taking my nappy off screaming ‘no nappy no nappy’ 😂
Honestly, it really depends on your child! As a mom, you’ll know when the right time is. In my experience My little boy is 2 years old, and he’s still learning too. He’s got the hang of going potty for poo, but he’s still figuring out when it’s time to have a wee. Remember, there’s no rush! Every kid is different, so just take your time and enjoy the journey!☀️
I think now days children are potty trained much later than they were say when our generation were babies/ toddlers mainly because nappies are a lot more convenient now than they were years ago so it’s easier to keep them in them x
I think starting to include acknowledgement of them having a wee or poo isn't a bad thing. I will comment 'you've had a wee' if my little ones nappy is warm or mention a poo. I'm sure with my older 2 we started off with sitting on the potty at bath time after 18months just so the concept was familiar. I have noticed a delay in potty training by some, my niece was virtually 3 when she learnt but it was a rush then because she started school nursery the month after. You'll know when it's right time for you both but it's certainly a good idea to ensure the idea is familiar to them.
We’re not potty training at all and she is not ready but we have a potty laying around and she will go sit on it. We have nappy free time for an hour or so before bed anyway so sometimes she sits on the potty for a wee or poo and if so we just give her some praise but no pressure on it at all
In most cultures potty training begins as early as 9 months old, due to nappies being expensive or they live in hot countries where nappy rash is common and nappy free time is more common. You can start before 18 months to get them used to squatting over a potty. I find it is much easier for my girl to poo on a potty than to see her struggle when she is sitting or standing up. Whenever I notice she is trying to poo I take her to the potty and use elimination communication words to let her know she's doing a poo and she does a poo better on the potty without straining so much. Whenever I go to the toilet myself, I put her on the potty. I am not expecting her to be trained to go nappy free, just getting her used to doing wee and poo in there. After she has used the potty, I let her be nappy free for 10 minutes.
Think there is a big difference between potty training and getting little one used to the idea of toileting on a potty. We have been putting him on the potty since 6 months because I wanted him comfortable on it before he could get up and wander off. He will hold it at times but I don’t think we are potty training at all. Am just giving opportunities and if he takes them great. It’s so obvious he prefers pooing on the potty now but I don’t see any of it as potty training. I think as soon as he has better communication with us it won’t take long to potty train but a lot of it is much more about paying attention to him and giving him opportunities than any hope of getting him out of nappies yet. I will be sad when he is out of nappies, I love his cloth nappies and their pretty patterns!
@Sarnjeet will just jump on here to say I think it’s common in several cultures from 9 months, but certainly not ‘most’ 🙂 no pressure!
It's totally normal for people buy a potty for baby to get used to just sitting on it etc but in my opinion actually trying to potty train a baby who is to young and not ready makes it take so much longer My first born we thought was ready but he wasn't so I stopped for a few weeks tried again and he was potty trained in a few days
Thank you everyone. I've been holding my daughter on the potty since she was a few weeks old and we are using reusable nappies from birth too. But everyone's saying "starting potty training" etc and I just don't see how you can train them this young. It's very rare my daughter has a poo in her nappy but because I've learnt her cues. She's only just now started tapping the potty if she needs a poo but no way is she trained or training. My 3 year old is really struggling with the concept
No plans to do it anytime soon. Far too young in my opinion
I keep seeing these posts too and to be honest it blew my mind. My little girl can’t walk yet and doesn’t say actual words, I can’t even imagine trying to potty train her. She is still more baby than toddler. It made me feel like she was behind but after speaking to my mum friends everyone says it’s usually 2-3 years of age. So each to their own but I won’t be starting anytime soon
Don't worry about what other people are doing! You do you! Every mum and every child is different. I agree that before 18 mo it's not potty training its elimination communication but a lot of the time I also describe it wronglt as potty training as most people don't know what the difference is. I did start EC at 12 mo but that was due to particularly extreme circumstances shown by my son and his particular personality and behaviour led me to start that up. I do also want to wrap it up with a potty training experience earlier than 2nd birthday and hopefully before I increase my working days to 3 days /week simply because nursery complicates it a lot and it would be simpler if he could have it down before even starting nursery. I know anything can happen though and regressions happen but I've read the oh crap book and she says it gets much harder after 2.5 and again much much harder after 3rd birthday as they get so much more independent and learn how to manipulate their parents with their own 💩 weapon😅
I’ve also been seeing lots and lots of posts… so been asking my family about it and they were like ohh normally they start around 2 years old but then when we were looking at my baby books, it said first wee on toilet 14 months so now it’s got me thinking but my initial understanding was if baby is comfortable try around 18 months, if not work at it around 2 year mark xx