Not waving, pointing, or clapping

My little dude was born Jan 20th, he’s 12 months now and has shown no signs of waving, pointing or clapping.. he is babbling says mama, dada, okay, and uh oh. Knows his name (sometimes won’t look at me but for the most part does). Isn’t walking but is furniture cruising. I’ve been so stressed out about it even tho I know it’s not something to truly stress over. Just looking for similar stories of late development. Thanks! 🙏🏼
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Ours was born on the 27th and he only waved for a short period of time. I realized we don't really wave much in real life, so idk if that's why he doesn't do it. His pediatrician wasn't concerned.

I asked our pediatrician and he seemed to not be phased told me that it would probably improve by next visit… I guess I should maybe chill with it !

Same here. He sort of brings his whole hand to point toward things. He can wave and clap, just doesn’t really want to? He doesn’t like to be told to “perform” lol, so that’s definitely part of it. Pediatrician wasn’t concerned at all.

My baby is the opposite he waves and points but has no words yet. I really feel like there is sooo much happening at this age and babies seem to pick up different things first but it all comes eventually.

No words , walks and claps

@Kayla same here! He even does wheels on the bus but hasn't said a single word yet 🤷‍♀️

My baby’s not great at pointing (he learned and did it for a few weeks but I feel like just kinda stopped) but has been clapping since 7 months and waving since 9 months consistently. I feel like I’d be a little worried tbh? Def if by 14 months he doesn’t I would get a consult at a PT just to make sure! It doesn’t hurt!

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