Find research backed articles discussing the effectiveness of gentle parenting techniques. Print them out (you can do this for free at your local library), read them yourself and highlight the most important parts that you would like to share with your husband. During a calm moment when it is just you two, discuss your findings with him and present him with the research. Explain that you understand why he is trying to parent the way he is (perhaps this is how he was parented), but that you want to be a catalyst for raising your child in the very best way possible and you hope he can at least work to compromise with you and find ways to meet more in the middle. My partners will raise his voice, like say "HEY" if she is about to do something she knows she shouldn't, like flip the dogs water bowl. My approach is to go over to her and discuss with her simply, why we do not flip the water bowl. "This is the dogs water. We do not touch it. Do you want your water bottle instead?".
@Nicoleta thank you for your reply. I do agree with you. Yes, my partner is like that with me also…shouting, screaming and making me scared and cry cause of the pain and the fear of loosing my babies. He’s the one supporting us financially and he’s always telling me that without him I won’t be able to do nothing. He even threatened me with getting me out of his house. It’s very painful and it’s so annoying that most of the times the arguing comes cause I didn’t put food on his plate when he came from work - cause I was with kids in the hospital that day…and also cause I tell him off for the way he is parenting. He’s angry on me on everything I do. It’s so hard and painful… Anyway… Sorry to put this on you. Helps relieve some stress, I think…
@Elise thank you for the comment. I ll be very honest with you - I feel like I’ve tried so many things to make him understand how important it is to raise our kids in a positive way and how much this will help them in long time but he’s always saying that I’m following only idiots from online teaching how to be a parent and that I’ve got no common sense myself. It’s always my fault…it’s always me being exaggerating in his opinion… He simply can’t and don’t want to accept other ways than what he knows. It’s hard…it feels like almost impossible to speak with him anymore… I don’t know what to do and so he will understand that I’m not against him…I’m against the way he’s doing things. He will never accept he’s wrong tho…
Oh hun🫂🫂🫂 Don't apologise for it. Talking helps, feel free to text me anytime. Do you have any family or friends that can help out? Honestly, i think you should try and leave that toxic environment. I know it's easier said then done but i think that's the best thing for both your kids and your mental and physical health. He needs to understand that you're raising your children and it's hard and you can't always have a meal ready for him when he gets home. The fact that he threatened you about kicking you out of the house that's a BIG no no. You carried the child for at least 9 months, you gave birth, you are raising the child while he is away. YOU!!! Don't let him put you down, you know your own worth!
Nothing is wrong with you hun. He seems to be the one with a problem. Shouting and scaring the child into behaving properly is not the answer. Doing that it will only make things worse and he will grow up resenting you as parents. He is a 3y boy. That sort of behaviour from his dad will scar him for life. Your approach is very good. Keep with it. Is he being like that towards you? Shouting and scaring?