Nursery was a no brainer for us. And she loves going so it was the best decision for her. She goes 3 days a week. Our nursery don't offer less than 15hrs a week. We really wanted her to develop social skills and be around children her own age as we won't be having another baby. Her half sisters are much older and don't live with us. She's made friends. I can see how confident she's become, and she's learning so much. A lady who runs a playgroup we attend noticed this. She's a primary school teacher and said you know which children went to nursery as they settle easier. The children who didn't can find it overwhelming going into a classroom of 30.
My little one does 1.5 days a week but I'll be on maternity leave again soon and we'll be keeping her in for 1 day a week. We do feel she's benefitting even though she's not there too often. If your son is shy it might take longer to settle doing one day but I feel it's worth it in the end. If you don't think nursery is the way to go and want him to socialise more, look for some local stay and play groups. 😊
Nursery has been great for our little one (he does two days). He loves it and is leaning so much 😊
Nursery is a big no for me. Lots of studies show that it can be very damaging for their self esteem in the long run, and also says that by 4 years old they are still building their values and personality that will set for life and in a nursery they pick up a lot from other kids that are exposed to all sorts of types of parenting. They play, they laugh but they also learn bad behaviour. I guess you can find information on both sides good and bad out there. I just prefer to avoid the bad and keep my babies at home as long as I can 😘
Nursery was really good for developing my sons confidence! He also learns so much each week. I’d say you may find it difficult to find somewhere that’ll take them for just one day a week and you may want to consider two anyway as they tend to settle easier the more they’re there and will get more out of the experience. You could for example do two mornings or two afternoons if you’d rather not send for full days x