Just playing devils advocate - what causes him to always speak so badly to you when his kids are there? (Is it only when his kids are there?) For example do you not like the kids so you’re behaving in a certain manner and he picks up on it? The way he’s treating you is out of line especially when you’re that heavily pregnant and hormonal. I’m just wondering what’s the cause is all.
@Hollie it’s as if he feels like he’s got an audience and almost back up because his two minions are there (both girls) so for me it always feels like I’m getting teamed up against. No not always just when they’re there but it’s most of the time he gets brave when they’re there! But he kicks off any time I don’t agree with him or my thinking is different to his 🙄😢
Honestly he sounds like an abusive knob and you shouldn't waste anymore of your time with him, that's just my opinion though. If you can, stay with your mum for the time being until you decide what you want to do moving forward. As for the birth, I think only you can decide what you want, if all his presence is going to do is cause you anxiety, why put yourself through it? I hope you're OK and being kind to yourself x
I personally wouldn’t stay with a man that was like this as I want my children to grow up seeing healthy relationships so that they too go on to have them, so I think you are right in taking your child out that situation when tension is high but if I’m honest I would take them out of that situation permanently, set some boundaries and reach an agreement to coparent because he sounds awful x
Sounds like you know the answer to your question already and that you just need to be brave enough to take those steps. Hugs. Always happy to listen if you need a chat xx
I say don’t have him at the birth. You need as much oxytocin as you can get to have the healthiest birth you can. Therefor having someone that makes you anxious in the room is a bad idea. Although I think you should explain the above in advance - give him every chance to change. The baby won’t remember so it’s just a question of what will help you have the best labor. I feel for you! Xxx