Am I Wrong for Blocking My BD & His Wife After What I Heard?

Hey mamas, I need to vent because this situation has been bothering me, and I need to know if I’m tripping. I overheard a conversation between my BD’s wife and my daughter, and it did not sit right with me. My daughter’s birthday is coming up, and she was so excited, telling BD’s wife she has to wish her a happy birthday and not forget her gifts. Normal kid excitement. But BD’s wife had the audacity to say, “I might wish you a happy birthday if I remember.” MIGHT?! If she remembers?! My daughter shut that down, saying, “No, you have to tell me happy birthday, and you can’t forget my gifts. I don’t have to remember your birthday because I’m a kid.” And BD’s wife really tried to guilt her, saying, “Well, you never wish me a happy birthday. It makes me sad not hearing from my only daughter.” Excuse me?? First of all, my daughter is not her child. She doesn’t owe this woman birthday wishes to receive basic kindness in return. BD’s wife kept pressing, asking, “Well, when is my birthday then?” like she was trying to catch my daughter in a lie. At this point, I’m livid. This is a grown woman being petty toward a child. And let’s be real—my daughter doesn’t have to wish her happy birthday or acknowledge her at all. I make sure she’s busy on Mother’s Day and other holidays so she doesn’t feel obligated to reach out. I blocked BD’s wife from my daughter’s iPad because my baby doesn’t deserve half-love. She has a mother who loves her and will never forget her birthday. My daughter keeps asking why BD’s wife isn’t answering her calls, and honestly, I don’t know how to explain it without hurting her. Am I wrong? Would y’all have confronted BD’s wife, or was blocking them the right move? Because I refuse to let my daughter feel like she has to earn love from anyone especially her.
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You’re not overreacting you did the right thing by cutting her off. Why’s a grown women being petty to a young child . You don’t know what’s she’s capable of doing to her if she’s that petty . I would’ve also confronted her and told her about herself before blocking her and then told her dad about the situation.

Also explain to your daughter in a child way that her dads wife isn’t a nice lady so is better if they stop talking .

@Baby Girl so i texted her about the situation and she says “when have i never wished her HBD, i just want her to understand it hurts my feelings when she doesn’t wish me one back” i told her fuck her feelings . my daughter doesn’t have to wish you HBD. My daughter is 9 yrs old, and only needs loyalty to me . not her .

i feel like it’s inappropriate for MY daughter to tell another woman happy birthday, or happy mother’s day. I won’t allow it . If this is the type of women my bd wants idc but my daughter will not be around her . she’s always trying to have “girls day” with my daughter etc. i just feel like she’s out of line . your my bd wife not my child’s mother . She has no business being around my daughter at all. I literally have to keep her from visiting my bd bc i don’t want my daughter around her. my daughter thinks they’re “bff”. any woman allowing a child that’s not hers to call her that is a creep in my book. i’m protecting my daughter

she’s a whole child why does she care if a child never wished her happy birthday back ? She’s so weird 😭😭😭

Honestly you’re not over reacting . Trust your gut instinct and cut all ties with her

@Baby Girl exactly !! like i told my daughter not to wish her HBD, that’s not her mom. if she has a problem with that she can take it up with me! she’s weird af. i peeped when she decided to marry a man with a child already and started a family with him. like go find your own baby daddy lol

I think it’s a bit entitled to expect her to say Happy Birthday to your child but in the same breath say it’s not important for you 9 year old, who is old enough and capable to grant her step-mother some mutual respect. However her statement was wrong.. her point isn’t wrong, she’s valid to have those feelings and if she’s trying to bond and have a healthy relationship with your child then you should encourage your child to do the same. Otherwise you can’t be mad if there is no effort on her end. If your child thinks of her so highly why is that bad? Of course you are her mother no one can replace you but it just seems a bit insecure if she’s trying to have a good relationship with her. It sounds like you are purposefully trying to draw a wedge between their relationship, you can have boundaries and still allow her step-mother to be in her life. I would say contact her and explain that the comment was inappropriate.

I think that is VERY PETTY to get upset about. It sounds like playful banter.. she’s just kidding around with your daughter and your response is giving BITTER in a big way! She doesn’t have to wish her Happy Birthday but you expect her to wish your daughter a Happy Birthday.. that’s teaching your child that her feelings matter but other people’s feelings don’t. And it’s very inconsiderate of you to think that’s okay. And it sounds like she’s trying to have a connection with your child and you’re blocking it because you think she’s trying to replace you. She’s her father’s wife.. she’s supposed to refer to her as her daughter. I’m sure you can all agree that EVERYONE KNOWS who her mother is but calling her a STEPdaughter would be more offensive as it’s letting her know she’s not really hers. Doesn’t seem like she’s trying to be a problem. But you definitely are standing in the way of them having a genuine relationship. Just my opinion..

And it’s hurtful to your child for her to keep reaching out to her “bff” and not getting a response.. so it’s okay for YOU to cause your daughter hurt? You’re throwing stones and hiding your hand. Your daughter thinking that this lady is treating her like that is not okay. I don’t know a mother that genuinely loves their child that wouldn’t want them to be able to receive all of the love they can so saying that she tries to have girls day and do special things with her and you don’t like it.. that’s damaging. Why wouldn’t you want your daughter to like this woman who is really trying to have a positive relationship with her?

I think you are overreacting. Maybe there's something more here but the conversation you overheard doesn't deserve this bad reaction. It seems like a armless conversation. And also as a stepmom you can of course expect your stepdaughter wish you happy birthday. The conversation sounds playful. I feel you are settling a big drama that even your daughter doesn't want. Your reaction sounds very immature.

Definitely overreacting. What your doing is actually quite horrible. My mum plotted me against my step mum for years when I was little and told me nasty things about her and my own dad and now I’m older, I’ve started resenting my mum for it. Me and my step mum have a great relationship but I still know (and always have) that she’s not my mum but she still treats me the same as her own kids. The more family the better. Because of her I have 3 step siblings and a half brother aswell as my own brother and sister. Me and my dads relationship is now also the best it’s ever been because of my mum being a bitch and making up lies and stories about them growing up

Lol u need to check yourself woman thats toxic

So do you also stop your daughter from calling her grandmothers on their birthday? Or Mother’s Day because they are another woman besides you?

@Lea that’s terrible because think of all of the wasted time that you could have been spending together making childhood memories and having a good relationship from the start if your mum hadn’t interfered. Stories like this really make me GLAD that I was woman enough to see another woman love my kids when she got with their dad. My kids have the best stepmother EVER.. their village grew and they are so close with their half siblings. I was blessed to have someone that was picking my kids up and trying to bond with them and go through the motions with me while I was having issues with them growing up! We were always on the same page and we stood for my kids as a team because we both wanted what was best for THEM! There was no resentment from me at all because I was happy that their father had found someone that was worthy of being in my kids lives! And actually wanted to!

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@LeKenya I love that you embraced this! I think every mum should do this. You get the help you may need with someone who can understand it Luckily I have a great relationship with my step siblings and always have, I’m super close with one of my step sisters but because of my mum I never put the effort in when we were at my dads house every other weekend. My mum wasn’t a maternal woman either just giving us money instead of being there for us physically and emotionally. I was so scared I wouldn’t feel maternal towards my daughter but thankfully I do

She doesnt owe that woman nothing and your daughter shouldt expect if from her either.

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