@Juanita ughh these hormones, I hate them!! Lol… and thank you for that 💕
I feel this way too! One day I’m exhausted and the next I’m worried that I’m not exhausted.
You are definitely not alone !! I feel the exact same way . In fact the reason I suspected I was even pregnant is because I started feeling depressed / bipolar which is very UNLIKE me. The only thing helping me deal with those intrusive thoughts is asking God over and over again to keep these thoughts away and he always does it within a couple of hours. I use to need anti depressants and anxiety meds but they made me sooooooo constipated and disconnected emotionally from everyone including myself .
@Luisa I love your answer. Not too many people will agree but I’m like you, I trust God is my healer, no meds for me. And I hope and pray I never have to depend on them. To each their own but I never really hear anything positive in the long run.
Hi, you’re definitely not alone. I feel the exact same way. Literally on everything! So don’t worry, it’s nice to read this and feels validating