@Haley ‘s response is almost word for word what I was gonna say.
My son chewed them up and spit out the skin 😂 so be prepared for that! But yes cut into quarters!
We introduced at 12 months cut into quarters. The loves them!
Around 9 months quartered :)
I work in a nursery and we usually tell parents If you cut them in fours you can introduce from around 9 months old
7 months. Quartered lengthways.
I introduced around 10 months quartered, he scoffs them now 😂
Sometime around a year. Highly suggest buying a grape cutter if you can! Makes quartering them so much easier. And you can use it for grape and cherry tomatoes too.
I think my daughter was around 9 months. As soon as they can do the pincer grasp they can pick them up on their own, they can have them as long as they’re quartered. I was paranoid and quartered them and then cut eat quarter in half. Now I just quarter them and my now 15 month old shoves like eight 8 pieces in her mouth at a time so it feels futile
Between 6-7 months and always cut in quarters lengthwise. She loves it
About 10/11 months. I'd cut them into quarters. She's two in a couple of weeks, and I cut them in half.
14 months. Cut up into 4 pieces and spoon fed
7 months cutted in quarters long way
Around 6-7 months. Cut into quarters
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Trusted by 5M+ women
My baby had them around 8 months cut into strips. She loves them but often struggles with the skin and spits the skin out
9 months quartered.
Check solid starts website/app
6-7 months, quartered lengthways
I think like 11 months I would cut it into 4 lol now he eats them whole which in know he’s too young for but once he saw me eating the whole he refused them cut and he knows to eat grapes slowly.
Personally for myself because I'm concerned about the choking aspect I wait 1 year with my kids
9 months and quartered length ways
I would ask your doctor based on your child's chewing skills. But when you do introduce your toddler to grapes, here's an item I love to use: https://a.co/d/aPPtKgf
Around 11 months. We peeled and cut in half
6 months..
Around 9 months for both that was one thing we waited for them to have teeth just to be extra safe lol
One and quartered length ways
I introduced them around 11 months cut into quarters long ways