My little girl had a similar meltdown last night, screaming til she was purple and like I was trying to murder her! She was just extremely tired. We'd had a big day of playing so I think she was worn out combined with being hungry as it was teatime. I gave her extra milk and put her to bed early x
my boy was absolutely great until 3 days ago now has insane tantrums, headbuts the floor, screams, throws himself again stuff if dinner isnt ready on time or if we dont get him dessert/fruit straight away after he finishes food or if we dont give him something we have which is tricky considering we have a 4 month old that requires a lot of attention as well🥲 I just smiled at him to try and calm him down, he is very good with words but cant yet express his feelings which i think is stressful for them at this stage.
I struggle with this so much! Because they don't talk it's so hard to know what it is that's upsetting them! Usually, with a tantrum, I know it's a tantrum cause I've said no or moved her away from something or taken something off her etc. whereas sometimes she's just screaming and I'm not sure why (like your example). If she's just screaming like that sometimes I put her down and just wait it out a bit but I still stay with her and offer her cuddles when she's ready, but sometimes what can you actually do ya know!?
My 19 month old has crazy tantrums at times like she is a screaming banshee and thrashes around banging her head. But I let her cry it out as there is no consoling her. After we have a hug and I talk to her about what happened. It’s horrible when it happens best thing is to try and stay calm the more attention I give it the worse it gets. But every child is different. My LO is worse when she is feeling unwell and tired. It sounds cruel but sometimes I just have to walk away and she stops.