
Is anyone's little one massively into any of the above? How did you encourage it? I'd love to encourage it but she's not really shown much interest. She does have a magnetic drawing board which she'll be interested in for about 5 mins. Colouring with crayons/pencils/felt tips I can't really get her to engage with much, she does like stickers. She's done painting at childcare and didn't like it, and she does crafty/making things bits there, I've not tried it with her.
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I think they’re just abit too young still, my daughter doesn’t like drawing either really, she’ll do it with her big cousin but she loses interest. and doesn’t like paint. But I’ll keep trying it with her every now and then!

I thought she might be a bit too young still but I wasn't sure!

Our LB loves drawing/ colouring etc. I didn't do anything in particular to get him interested, I bought him his first crayons and colouring book about 6 months ago and he just adored it!! Now he has crayons, water colouring, magna doodles etc

Our little one loves drawing and is constantly asking us to draw with him. We have an aqua doodle mat that is basically permanently out in his little table at the moment and he draws on that with a water pen. I think it has helped to encourage it because it's always available (but mess free!)

We’ve just started a craft box He loves “colouring”. Stickers markers . Just start making crafts- exposure

I tried this a few months ago and as much as my son enjoys it, it’s not for him! He eats EVERYTHING! So he spent so much time eating his crayons and his colouring book! I didn’t want to give him pens as it will stain the place up but I instead got him aquadoodle not to long ago and he enjoys that (when we can find the pen). He will eat paint so can’t do that either! There isn’t much he won’t eat (besides food)!

My LO likes colouring. Bought him crayons and a toddler colouring book, sat down and did it with him (me and his Dad loved colouring when we were kids, so felt natural to do). Talk about the pictures, the colours x

Just to say my son isn’t interested yet either. He’s rather eat or run round the house hitting things with the crayons instead! He just doesn’t sit still! He’s done a bit of painting at nursery but I guess he’s just following what the others are doing so is more inclined to do so in that environment.

My girl loves colouring. We use paint sticks which are less messy than runny paint but brighter colours than crayon. She also loves her magic colouring book where you just fill the pen with water and the page changes colour. She also does loads of messy crafty stuff at nursery so maybe it just depends what they’re into.

Paint sticks, crayons, and chunky colouring pencils are all great at this age as they are tactile. Big rolls of paper for LO to make marks on, they will learn from watching you so draw shapes, scribble etc etc, to show your child what the tools do. They might not be interested for a while but lots of children are. Aquadoodle mats have already been mentioned, but equally “painting” with water can be really fun for toddlers - easy to do indoors or outdoors, and just pop down a couple big towels if you’re worried about mess x

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