To be honest, I have a similar issue with my sister, who is also older than me, because she can't have kids of her own, so acts like my little boy is hers when we are with her. I would just say, pick your battles with her. Like giving your daughter a slice of pizza at a birthday party isn't really that big of a deal. It is annoying when they ask for you & your sister says don't you want me though. That would annoy me as well.
i have 3 sisters. i had made loud and clear to my sisters that they are welcome to aunts to my kid if they want him in part of life BUT I am the MOM and WILL be deciding whatever is best for him and his well being. They have understood and respect. communication and boundaries. maybe you need to learn stop be people please and put on be strong side. You need to talking to your sisters alone, without your daughter. sister to sister. basically tell her that you dont hate her but the way disrespect you front or behind you and your daughter. it’s important to you about your rule, respect, discipline & dignity front towards your kid. if she couldn’t respect you for all that. be sure make clear to your sister that You and your daughter gonna be much less be around because of no respect in present. also , Please talking to your daughter about how she feeling about your sister (her auntie). if she want you often then there might be a chance she feel unease or not safe.
The only advice I can give is from personal experience and that is to shut it down as soon as it happens if someone is contradicting what you say to your child immediately say "No that is not what we do in our family, this is what I want to happen" people will soon get the message. I understand it's very difficult especially with family.