My boy is 15months and has always been clingy ☺️ it can be super hard sometimes! But it's just because you are there safe place. From around 12months he started becoming more chilled out, I started taking him to playgroup at 11months and he's alot less clingy ☺️ but he doesn't like being alone, so if I leave him in a room on his own and he can't see me he still gets upset but if others are there he's chilled.
Just another doubting thought. I know I’m doing what she needs, it’s just really tough at the moment, trying to remember she won’t need me like this always ♥️ but it’s good to hear from other moms too. Thanx
@Kassia totally second this! I co sleep and breastfeed my 17 month old, she is very independent but can also be very clingy! My daughter is just at the stage now where she wants to do everything I am doing, and although it is hard work, I know it won’t last forever so I am trying to just appreciate each moment, some days are harder than others but you got this❤️
Babies are all different! Also, at this time, separation anxiety starts to increase. It is difficult for her to realize you can be away from her. I co-sleep, breastfeed and never let my baby cry and I cuddle her, kiss her and hug her all the time. Basically, if that makes a baby dependent and clingy, then mine should be the most! However, my baby is very independent! She plays on her own and sneaks away often. If she needs me, she will come and find me. She does cling to me in new/unfamiliar environments, though, but I am her safe space. At 8mo, she was still crawling, so she would become distressed if I left her for too long, because it was difficult to find me.