Or just tell them he’s got norovirus and it’s highly contagious 💩
Thank you! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's not on!
Definitely not they could have any kind of illness without even knowing about it! There’s definitely polite ways to handle it but if they don’t listen the first time you’ve got every right to be a bit more forceful or rude about it tbh 😂
Used to make me so mad - on the bus once a lady kept touching his face even after I told her to stop and I literally had to stand up and get between her and the baby to make her realise I meant it. People need to leave babies alone, they’re little humans, not dolls or pets or anything else and they wouldn’t do it to another adult so shouldn’t be touching a baby
@Berlind this annoys me so much! Especially when it comes to touching their face, absolutely not on! Sorry this happened to you and your little one 😞
I will just say please don’t touch. Nobody is entitled to get close to someone else’s baby and it’s not rude at all to tell them to back up. They wouldn’t like it if you hovered over them and got all up in their space. Maybe try that if they don’t listen to ‘please don’t touch’ 😂