I’ve had 2, both extremely positive. The staff are amazing and help you feel really calm. Is there anything in particular you want to know about? X
Thank you both. I am just curious as my first birth (vaginal) wasn’t a very good experience so I’m considering a section with my second x
Hi Charlotte, just jumping on here! Was your partner allowed to stay with you after your c section overnight at all?
@Chantel yes they did say he was allowed to with my second which was in August 2024 but he didn’t actually stay as he had to go home to our toddler x
I am obviously biased having had 2 sections, but a few of my friends who have had traumatic vaginal births have elected with subsequent births and all had a much more positive experiences. Definitely worth informing yourself about before making your decision 😊
Thank you @Charlotte. X
I had one a month ago, give me a message if you like x