First food

Heya! What's the first food you introduced to your little ones? We're just waiting til we reach 6 months. I am excited but at the same time sobbing to the fact that our babies are growing real fast. Can't believe it's been half a year already since we brought them into this world!
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We started off with broccoli as it’s not sweet. We then moved onto potatoes, carrots. We’re now trying different fruit xx

My baby is 5 months, we’ve already introduced banana & broccoli

Broccoli it is then. Thank you momma's! ❤️

I'm definitely not making the mistake I made last time which was introduce fruit really early. This guy is going to be the veg eater of the family! Probably broccolli as well

I started with pumpkin then spinach. After a couple of weeks I have added taro, butternut, plantain banana and today I have banana for breakfast. I also must say I started puree at 4 months and a month in we are eating all that.

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