
Hiya, So I had my daughter 15 months ago I didn't gain weight during my pregnancy just my chin 😂 however when I had her my bump when straight down and I was back ti my normal the day after having her I was wearing jeans and they fit perfect I went to my partners grandma's so they could meet baby as I was sick of being in the house and his mam, aunt and grandma all commented on my weight saying how I lost all of my baby weight I didn't like the comment but didn't say anything I just ignored it and focused on baby but still now they say to my partner how good I look losing the baby weight but I just find it rude and nit a nice things to say as I'm no bigger than I was before pregnancy I told my partner to tell them to stop commenting because it makes me self conscious knowing that they are looking at me like that, they still do it Is this just me being a bitch or is it wrong?
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I think if they are saying baby weight then they are talking about your bump not the weight you were before being pregnant. I was like you, my bump literally disappeared while I was pushing my son out But a lot of women dont/cant/ struggle to lose the weight and or the excess stretchy skin that came with the bump I'm pretty sure they do not mean to make you feel self conscious and maybe they are a little jealous that you "bounced back into shape" so quickly 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do think still talking about it 15 months later is a little strange though. Maybe they are expecting you to announce another pregnancy? my MIL was always making comments to my hubby about that trying to suggest I may be pregnant , pain in the arse!

@Steph I'm definitely nit hinting towards another baby but I just don't feel like it is something they should be pointing out xx

I wasn't meaning you were hinting. I meant they were basically saying " hurry up and make another baby😅" But that also is none of their business I do agree there's no need to keep bringing it up.

@Steph they've asked a few times when are you having another the first time they asked was the first day they met her but they know we couldn't afford another one because this girl is expensive 😂 xx

Wether they mean it as a compliment or not - nobody should be commenting on your body or asking about future children. It’s not their business. Your partner needs to shut these comments down

Honestly sounds innocent to me. Most people can’t get back into their jeans right away.

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