@F how frustrating I assumed this would probably be the case. I’m sure it’s far too late in my cycle to ovulate now ugh try again next month! X
It really is and it’s hard to be patient but as easy as it is said, try to use this time look after yourself and be kind to yourself and focus on you ❤️
Keep testing it could also be a late ovulation, we don’t ovulate the same day every cycle I have irregular cycles and ovulated on day 36 and got pregnant theres still a chance x
@J you’re so right I was going to stop testing but I won’t x
I ovulated day 24 after my D&C, my normal ovulation is day 18/19 so still could be coming
@Jo this is reassuring thank you! I’ll keep testing x
I didn't ovulate for 14 months after my silent miscarriage. I was diagnosed with high FSH and pcos during that time. I got pregnant again 2 weeks before my fertility appointment to start IVF. All my ovulation tests were negative. I don't know why it happened that way but all I can say is give your body time. It's healing too.
@Misha it’s so strange how much our bodies change all the time. It’s just a shame as I was desperate to have my children close in age after my first miscarriage I never had this issue so I’m wondering if it’s because I had a d&c this time x
@Gracie honestly it might be because you're so desperate to have a baby. You can put so much pressure on your body that your body tries to protect itself. That's what I believe happened to me. As soon as I stopped testing, I gave up hope of it happening naturally, I lived my life by focusing on making memories for me and husband and it happened naturally.
I didn’t ovulate for 2 cycles after my MC both times x