I was the same before my 12 week scan, too. One thing that did help me a little was reminding myself that it was better to wait until the 12 week scan for reassurance as there's always the possibility with earlier scans that it's too early to determine the viability of the pregnancy or that you may see a heartbeat that isn't there anymore at the 12 week scan. They wait to scan at 12 weeks for this very reason, so try and hold out if you can. I know it's really difficult, but try to trust your body and take care of yourself. I was so nervous before my scan that I threw up in front of the hospital - classy! 🙈
Have you spoke to your midwife about your anxiety, it could be pregnancy related, might be able get something prescribed to help xxxx
I think its important to know regardless of how many scans you have it wont change the outcome of the pregnancy its all very much out of our control which is scary i know, i went into pre term labour at 16w 4d and delivered baby 2 days later as i approach that gestation with my current pregnancy my anxiety increases hopefully it will ease a little after that gestation but truthfully i don’t think i will ever feel at ease until baby is here safely and then having a new born will come with its own anxieties If the reason you feel the way you do is because you have previously experienced a MMC please talk to your midwife or your gp you can be referred to talk to a mental health midwife Have you been given aspirin or progesterone to take during this pregnancy? You only need to of had 1 previous mc to be prescribed it
@J I don’t know why I feel like this as I’ve never had a miscarriage and I’ve got 1 healthy baby. It’s just my personality and need to be in control I think. Last time I paid for private scans a lot etc x
As others have said above it won't change the outcome but I have found seeing them on a scan just gives me so much peace for a week or so, there is no side effect other than the bank balance so if scanning helps you go for a scan ♡
https://www.tommys.org/baby-loss-support/miscarriage-information-and-support/miscarriage-statistics Try not to worry x