@Alexis we didn’t want anybody to know because we didn’t want the drama. Especially from his family he moved in with his parents after his divorce and they will probably kick him out for “ betraying family “ they knew we were talking and hooking up before and lost their shit so we called it quits “we were both single every time, but we kept finding out way back to each other “ . We kept it quiet so he didn’t get disowned my ex told his family I was the problem even though he was an abusive , cheating narcissistic. I just don’t want trouble for him
Hmmm I guess that’s just a conversation you guys need to have about whether the drama and him getting kicked out is something that is worth it to you guys if you truly love each other there will always be ways to make it work but it’s up to both of you as a couple but if i were you I’d have that conversation and see where his head is at before making the decision to end the relationship without his input
Definitely call it quits! If your kids are your husbands, they are biologically related to the maj you are seeing. That's not only your husbands cousins but also your kids' cousin. Which means they could have cousins siblings if you chose to have kids with him. In my opinion, that's some sweet home, Alabama shit. And already is going to fuck your kids up. Unless your okay with inbreeding the family bloodline....
@Zero they’re not biologically related . Both of their adopted dads are brothers .
Why would you cal it quits just because other people know now if you guys are in love and he treats you well it’s worth a shot. If he changes then leave.