Tax refund during maternity leave?

If you went on maternity leave towards the beginning ish of the tax year, did you get tax back at the end of the financial year? I will be paid over the £12500 allowance during the 52week I will be off but I’m wondering if I will get any tax back next year as I start Mat leave in May.
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Yes if you’ve overpaid tax due to Mat leave you’ll get it back. I went on Mat leave feb to feb and have had several pay slips in that time which include tax refunds. A couple of hundred pounds here and there. But it’s a very welcome addition on mat leave!

Yep I got it back

I bloody hope I’ll get something back. My last pay is due this month and then it’s sweet nothing for the next three months. Hoping a tax return will save the day

@Elizabeth that’s great, honestly! It definitely is.

@Jana me too, I will be in a similar situation next year with nothing in the last 3months

Yes, they will adjust your tax.

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