To My Church-Going Ladies with Babies

What/How do you all get your kids to stay still while at church? My husband and I take our twins to mass every Sunday unless they are sick and one twin stays in the pew and reads books or will be placated with soft conversation. The other is screaming to make his voice echo, constantly trying to crawl under the pews or get into the holy water fount. My husband and I constantly have to leave to let him run around in the lobby which seems like a reward and then the other twin acts up so he can run around in the lobby too. Today was especially horrendous. The twin having a hard time screamed cried when he wanted anything, made two big snags in my brand new sweater with his teeth 😐, and screamed all the way up to receive Communion. He hadn’t done that before and even though nobody said anything or gave us dirty looks, I just had to leave. I was beginning to cry I was so tired, angry, and embarrassed. I know they have cry rooms but all of the kids always get sick and fight over toys in there and I don’t want to deal with that. Thoughts? Help? Thanks in advance.
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We leave them in Sunday school 😂😂😂 only way we make it. Does your church have that? We are Christian, not catholic so our church has an extensive children’s program

My kids barely stay still the whole service but if my aunt is there or their godmother they sit with them most of the time and they sit still, we also try to bring snacks with us and juice in case they do try to start throwing a fit. We won’t always be able to control how our kids act and I know it can be frustrating especially when you’re trying to pay attention or you’re thinking about how other people might react but we still have to remember they’re kids and they’re gonna do what kids do, if you have to walk out and take them to the bathroom for a little until they calm down then do that but trust me I understand how you feel and it’s gonna be okay🤞🏼

We take my son to Sunday school. We started taking him around 8 or 9mo old. He never sits still and wanted to be as loud as he could to make sure everyone heard him. Lol.

we have a busy book which is a life saver. if our girl acts up we take her out but hold her the whole time so she knows it’s not a reward. once she calms down we’re like “we do not (scream/run/whatever the behavior is) at church. are going to go back in and sit down and play with our book and you can have a snack if you want,” and then take her back in and try again. some days are good and some days we’re in and out every 10 mins

We sit at the very back at church and I give my kids coloring books, puzzles and othe things to keep them busy. Kids won't just sit still that's not really realistic

My daughter goes to Sunday school and loves it! She has been there since she was 3 months. Her age group is 3 months to 24 months.

We have a bunch of “busy quiet toys” for his church bag and a ton of snacks. It’s the only way he makes it through most of the hour. Suggestions are a busy book and some fidget toys from Amazon:)

@Ali Catholics are Christian… 😒😒😒

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