I hope this helps. I'm sorry you feel like this though. It is a rubbish situation. I thought I'd have some time with naps but contact napping babies are different lol.
I defo felt this way early on. Its a huge adjustment for a relationship to have a baby. First and foremost you need to tell him how you're feeling and give him space to talk about it too. Not by arguing over who is more tired etc but just giving each other space and listening. You won't necessarily be able to fix how the other feels there and then, but it's so important to open up the communication. I do agree with Misha, it's so important to make time to show each other you still care! I always used to make my husband a coffee before I go out, and recently he told me how much that means to him- way more than I had assumed!! So I make a special effort to do it every day. Few minutes of my time to show him I love him. He shows me more by touch, sending me things he thinks will make me smile, and by cooking. As an aside, he might be feeling a little disconnected from you and baby if he rarely gets to do the nice things like feeding and snuggling. I also mainly BF and this is what my other half found.
I have a similar needy baby, she's breastfed too. All I can suggest is doing little things to make him feel your love and remind yourself of the things he does out of care for you and his baby. It is easy to feel disconnected when you've got a needy baby who only contact naps but sometimes my husband will get into my bed and lay with us for 5 mins in the morning or I'll come to him with the baby and cuddle for 5 mins. It isn't long but it's enough to show we still love each other. He also touches me when passing in the hallway or as he's making dinner I'll touch him and hug him from behind with the baby in my arms. Just anything to say "I love you and I'm here" I think for us mums we automatically care for the child and go into that role but for men, or at least my husband it's been a massive adjustment (I wanted children and he never wanted them but wanted me to be happy) having a child has changed so much of his life in ways he didn't think it would where as I've been imagining life with a baby for years.