@Emma thank you , I understand now xx thanks again for clearing my doubt.. oh yes the time has really passed very quick 🥹so I don’t need to inform DWP right if I go back to work after all the payments r done ?
I believe that they are automatic, but as I have been getting mine through work my payroll team will have sent any necessary notification. Do you get paid DWP through your employer? If not then there is a chance that you might need to notify. Perhaps give your payroll team a call, they should be able to advise specifically xxx
@Emma ohh..thank you I will notify them before I return to my work..thank you again xxx
If you’re not entitled to any OMP from your company - do you have any annual leave left that you can take to cover those few weeks? I don’t think you’d end up owing DWP if you go back later than their payments cease - you would if you were going back before the payments stopped and continued to receive them though (is how I interpret it anyway, but it’s only an interpretation). My payments stop (both OMP and SMP) in March too but I’m timing my return so that I don’t have a month without pay. Mat leave has gone so quickly this time round 😢