
What was everyone’s first bits of food they tried their baby with for their first tastes? Weaning starts at beginning of next month and I just don’t even know where to start I’m Definitely wanting to start with purées first as I don’t feel comfortable with her having big chunks of food, the thought of choking scares me.
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I was the same - first puréed food (but make sure only for a short while - like 2-3 weeks), then move to mashed, then minced texture (slightly bigger bites than mashed). And try giving home cooked food so your baby gets different types of textures and flavours. We started with all green, ‘bitter’ veg as apparently it leads to better relationship with food into toddlerhood (less fussy). I was told it’s best to get little ones used to bitter tastes between 6-8months. That’s the window of opportunity to get them to love broccoli as much as they’ll love chocolate. Don’t know if that will happen but so far so good. I did as told and my baby is 8 months now and eats everything, including broccoli, spinach, kale etc etc And one last point - it can take up to 10 times for a baby to accept certain food. So don’t feel disheartened if they don’t love it initially. Good luck!

Started off with broccoli 🥦

Pumpkin then. Oatmeal.

First food was puréed carrot. So far my little one has eaten everything I put in front of her. And if not then she has the same thing for her next meal and she eats it then. She’s very curious abut food. We do puree for lunch and dinner (sometimes thinner, sometimes thicker) and then she has two snacks (foods she has to chew).

I know baby led weaning seems scary but if food is correctly prepared, the choking risk is no higher than with purées. If you start with purées and then go to solid food, they struggle with the chewing more than if they just have the solids from the beginning. That transition is riskier than just starting with solids.

@Taylor just my preference as everyone is different 😊

@Taylor I don’t think every baby will have an issue with chewing. I do purées and at first she didn’t know how to eat and now she’s chewing the purées and spoon

@Jody sorry I should have said not every baby will have that issue.

@Demileigh understandable! Just thought I’d share what current recommendation is x

Starter cereal at 5.5 months and I dove in at 6 months with scrambled eggs and 0 issues

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