
Is anyone on here consider themselves messy? How do i overcome it? Me and my partner are both quite messy (always have been) and mess around the house doesn’t bother any of us. I’ll pick up rubbish and put dishes in the dishwasher in the day but I can’t imagine hoovering or dusting daily. I’ve always been like this and I thought having a baby will change me but it hasn’t. I do want to work on it but idk where to start. I’ve always been messy and “lazy” so it’s hard to change my mindset! I just can’t imagine spending my free time when baby sleeps on cleaning!
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Why would you hoover or dust daily? Do people do that?? If I get around to hoovering every few days it's an achievement, and dusting is maybe a weekly task (although now I have cleaners). Am I messy without knowing?!🤣

Weekly is fine and u can plan to do one thing each day so by the end of the week or so u are done. And then keep on top of putting things away daily in their allocated places to maintain a calm and peaceful space for u all. Top up on sweeping up the kitchen which may get crumbs on floor. Xox

I hoover daily but dust weekly

U could get a robot hoover. Some cheaper ones out now

And they mop

Dusting is a weekly thing for me as well. I clean the kitchen daily. Bathroom twice a week. But I vacuum every other day. More if I make a mess in the kitchen. I grew up with a neat freak mother so I was conditioned to do it, but I spent most of my adult life not cleaning. And then I had really messy roommates and that changed real quick. I understood why my mom was so crazy about it. It feels nice when it’s cleaned. Maybe start with, like someone said, something small daily and try to maintain.

ADHD here and tidying is the bane of my life. Luckily my partner is much better than me so that helps haha. I tend to have rabid moments of deep cleaning everything to perfection every so often but struggle with the day to day in between.

Could you maybe hire a cleaner once a week to help with bigger chores? So you could focus on the daily hoovering, dishwasher, putting a wash on etc. and it takes the load off of you a little? xx

I hoover about twice a week. Dusting is more of a if and when I remember to be honest. But I do wipe our dining table and kitchen surfaces every day if that counts? I think part of it is not holding yourself to unrealistic expectations and thinking that's what everyone is doing. Start from where you're at and increase it slightly and see how it goes. For example, if you're currently hoovering once every 2 weeks, try to set a day where you do it once per week and see how that goes. Also, I get my little one to help with chores so it's like an activity. E.g. she loads the washing machine with me and turns it on. I give her a clean dustpan and brush so she can sweep up when I do. For her it feels like a fun activity we are doing together

@Rachel same here . It used to be done Saturdays by hubby but I do it now because baby is crawling and put things in his mouth

ADHD brain here too! Cleaning is actually painful for me some days! I have to literally force myself to do anything! Making a list helps me so when I get a big boost of go I can smash it all out - generally happens once a week x

Same here, both my partner and I are messy, I'm worse I think. We have a cleaner who comes twice a month and it really helps, I think it's a necessary investment and then Sundays is the day when I try to tidy and clean a bit, one week at a time.

Don't leave everything to be done in one go. Little and often is much more achievable. And get a cleaner if you can afford it!!

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