Morning fasting reading too high - should I skip the supper on the night before

Hey there . New to the GD game. My first readings in the morning have been over the limit. Mainly ranging 5.1-5.3. My other readings during the day are quite good. Just wondering if I should perhaps drop the supper snack ? that I was told to have after doing the reading after tea at night. I’ve been having cheese or yoghurt as what was listed on the meal plan list I was given. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Fasting numbers are the hardest to control, you can’t control with diet skipping a meal or snack won’t help. May only make it worse. Honestly if it’s elevated it’s because of your placenta…… my meal numbers never have issues my fasting are always high and haven’t been in range but a handful of times even with insulin but luckily my A1C and baby have been good the whole time still.

Thank you for the feedback

I couldn't control fasting. The nutritionist suggested eating cheese and nuts after 9am. Didn't work for me but talk to the nutritionist.

Does going for a walk after the supper help? I think it’s a big help during the day time results.

With my first in 2021, going for a 15 minute walk before bed and drinking a few glasses of water after dinner helped my fasting. Also I tried eating most of my carbs before 5 pm with dinner being the lowest carb meal of the day.

My fasting levels started getting high closer to my due date, I tried everything but it didn’t work ultimately they had to put me on insulin, fasting is so hard to control

I’ll try the walk after supper. I’m only 28 weeks but with twins. It’s been a stressful pregnancy.

Weird; I was told my fasting number shouldn’t be higher than 5.3 so by that standard yours sound fine. What did they tell you it should be max? I found that drinking lots of water when I wake up and maybe having a walk around the house before doing the fasting reading helped. If I woke up and did it right away it tended to be higher

@Kathryn a nurse friend told me that Australia has tighter limits- I’m not sure if that’s true or not - ( it made me feel better anyway) fasting has to be under 5 and after meals have to be under 6.7. I was put on insulin last night, but I still had the same reading this morning of 5.3 . Ive been trying the extra water, I find after meals going for a walk has the biggest impact.

Oh wow that is tighter than the UK. I was told fasting should be under 5.3 and post meals under 7. But the app I’m tracking it all on basically says 3.9-10 is normal range. It just makes me question the whole thing if they can’t even decide between themselves what it should be! I had a few fasting ones over 5.3 and they wanted to start me on overnight insulin but I declined. Just did my morning one now about 45 mins after waking up, had a shower and lots of water first and it was under 5.3. And also yesterday I had a low score after dinner then only had a banana before bed so maybe that helped too. Who knows!! I read that as soon as we wake up it’s going to be higher anyway as that’s your body’s way to start the day.

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