@Laura thanks I decided to just be done w it and not test any more. Thankfully on a relaxing vacation rn and have an appt with my dr on the 17th and will ask for hcg testing then an ultrasound on the 21st 🤞🏻
I'd probably stop testing now lovely, you're progressing really well 🥰🙏 I was the same as you, I was constantly testing during the 1st where I lost. When I had my rainbow baby, I had to trust after the initial tests that things would progress if it was meant to and thank goodness it did 🙏 he's 10 months now 😊
@Natasha thanks so much for sharing that. Congrats on your rainbow baby 💖
@paula thankyou so much 🤗 wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy with your rainbow 🌈 💕
I had to stop testing too as it was giving me anxiety every day trying to determine the line progression. So I got my HCG bloods done, that’s a sure way to check the pregnancy is developing as it should to check if the levels are doubling nicely xx