@Diamond I thought of some other ideas that could be fun. Aquarium, zoo, museum, at home movie, at home spa. I was thinking I'll probably bring my daughter to the dollar store and we will pick out one or two things for each of us. Probably toys or something for her and treats or something for me. Then we will go home and do a spa. I'll give her a warm bath, give her a lotion massage, and whatever else I can think of. Then, we'll cuddle on the couch with our puppy and watch a movie. Just some thoughts!
@Lianna ooo I forgot about massages, she definitely has cute baby robes I. The closest. I might implement it differently than I normally do with like cucumbers on her eyes and extra milk. She’s only 5 months is that too young to do a lot?
@Diamond cute!! I don't have a baby robe, but we have some cute hooded towels. She also just likes to be naked sometimes 😂
@Lianna 😂both are great options too. If you go to Burlington marshals tj max they should have something that’s where I’ve gotten hers from
Just pictures nth really special
I was thinking of taking my baby to the aquarium and maybe taking a bath together with toys. He’s 5 months !
@Diamond I'll have to check because that sounds adorable!
I wanted to take my baby to get some photos done and then do a little art work on a canvas with her hand and feet saying love. Idk what else to do yet but I’m still thinking.