@Paige thank you for responding what were the signs that your little one is autistic or might be ? Xx
No talking at all, obsessing over things like he loves the alphabet and numbers so when he did learn a few things he’d constantly recite the alphabet or up to 10! He gets very excited and flaps and bounces up and down, he’s sensitive to loud noises and gets very overwhelmed in a crowd, he will only eat specific foods. That’s just a few of them xx
My oldest is going to be 3 soon and although he is talking more now some additional signs that make me think he is: - vocal stims (he makes clicking noises a lot if he’s excited or overwhelmed) - obsession with numbers, alphabet and colours, especially with order - he is hyper active, doesn’t sit still for anything at all - minimal eye contact - doesn’t respond well to his name especially if he’s distracted - doesn’t follow simple directions - very particular with food, like he touches it to his lip and will either like it or the whole thing ends up being used as sensory play He’s actually being assessed this week
Doesn’t mean he’s autistic, my son is waiting for a diagnosis and it’s been apparent that he’s autistic from a very early age. Children will talk at their own pace, doesn’t mean there’s anything to be concerned about, but if you are speak to your hv or someone! And I’m here if you need moral support if you do think he is autistic as I know how hard it is x