Please remember they often get the weight totally wrong so I wouldn’t pin everything on that. They are highly unlikely to induce you that early just because baby is measuring a bit big. Also remember an induction is your choice. Try and do some research into it to make sure you are as informed as possible ☺️
@Tash I’ve seen that the nhs is usually very wrong in big babies . Most people that had been induced or been told to have a c section cos baby is usually big never comes out that big
i’ve heard lots of stories where induction was heavily pushed, but it’s never needed just because based on the size of your baby. if there was ever an urgent medical reason, surely they’d just give a C-section anyway as an induction can sometimes take days before you actually go into labour. i’m petite and midwives told me i was going to giving birth to a 10lb+ baby and i was sent for so many growths scans, tried to push induction even before my actual due date too, which i declined. went into birth naturally at 40+5 and he came out at 8lb. scans can be wildly inaccurate. obviously it’s your choice at the end of the day! like Tash said, just do your own research, and you’re welcome to say no to inductions if you don’t wish to have one! ps soz for the essay/waffle 🤪 xx
nothing has been mentioned to me about being induced , my baby was weighing 3lbs 3 at 28 weeks , i’m now 34 weeks and he wwas weighing 5lbs at 33 week scam and is measuring at about 36 weeks so quite ahead too