@Kim that is true! just bizarre because the fasting period is usually what i do anyway tho (not purposefully fasting) but i got told not to eat from 10pm last night well i don’t do that anyway, and i never eat breakfast, i usually eat for the first time at like 10:30/11 so its not unusual for me to go this long without food etc, and ive been continually drinking water and yet my mouth is getting dryer and dryer haha xxx
@Sinead have you had the sugar drink yet? That will make your sugar spike on an empty stomach which can make people feel a bit ropey. I fell asleep during mine because I felt so light headed 😂 came back negative though
I was convinced I was going to be negative the first time round but in the waiting room I got extremely tired, my eyes were so heavy I felt like I was about to fall asleep on the chair or pass out. I didn’t pass it lol
@Kim yes i have had the drink, maybe im just overthinking it all then, ive never had a test like this before and she also said that the sugar drink is the equivalent to eating 16 krispy kreme donuts 🤣🤣 so i think the sugars going to my head a bit hahah im so sleepy and tired my eyes are going fuzzy, the dry mouth etc im just panicking xxx
@Amy so you were positive?! this is the thing is i’ve been so adamant that it’s going to be negative and now i’m like with these symptoms displaying, what if it’s positive?! i just want to lie down and take a nap hahaha. also did anyone else’s baby go crazy? mine is doing some kung fu shit in there i swear 😭
I was told not to drink much water after drinking the sugar drink as it may dilute the results. After the blood test is taken in 2 hours then you can drink freely
Just little sips of water
@Sisi oh they didn’t say that to me… i hope it hasn’t messed up the results, my mouth is just so dry 😭
@Sinead I’m sure you’ll be fine, tbh most people pass anyways 😂
@Sinead hopefully it doesn’t, but maybe bring it up with your midwife when you discuss your results 💗
I had the first 3 symptoms and my test was negative. I was also told it was fine to sip on water an hour after I had drunk the drink.
@Sisi when i went back in for the finishing blood to be taken, i said to her about my mouth going really dry and said “it was okay for me to drink my water right because i have been guzzling it” and she said “that’s absolutely fine, it won’t tamper with the results!” so i think it should be good ☺️ xx
These are also symptoms of dehydration and hunger, which if you’ve been fasting are to be expected.