Mum friends

Has anyone managed to find a mum friend or group of friends? I've moved a bit since getting married and always worked remotely so never had much opportunity to meet people. But I'm realising life is quite lonely without friends, especially now as a mum. I have in laws around which is nice, but not the same as having friends of my own. Any advice on making friends as an adult/mum? I feel like I'm the only one who has nobody, and my own family live far from me. I've had lots of conversations with other mums on this app which has been lovely, but I've not actually met anyone.
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My town has a ‘mams’ Facebook group so I joined that then one day someone posted a link to a WhatsApp group for people who go to baby groups in the area, I thought there would be like 40+ in there so I was brave and joined, turns out there was only 9 people in there 🫣 I was friendly and introduced myself and now I have a lovely group of friends and we all go to the same groups & softplay 5 days a week! Have a look if there’s anything similar in your area, otherwise my advice would be go to a toddler group and be brave, start a conversation with someone who looks friendly and ask what other groups they go to and go from there! Go to as many groups as you can and maybe try to find out if there’s any group chats you could join, that way you’ll always be kept in the loop 😊

@Lauryne that's amazing! Thanks for the advice. I definitely need to start attending some groups with my little one, it's just hard to take the first step sometimes!

I understand how hard it is! I was housebound for just over a year so I’ve only recently been able to go to baby & toddler groups and it can be so daunting! A local library could be a good start, especially since you could go there any day, have a look around first and chat to the librarians, ask what day/time the groups are and what kind of structure is involved and try getting there early so you’re not walking into a room full of people, chatting to the librarians is a bonus too because you’ll know at least one person! Some people are more open than others so if the first person you meet isn’t too chatty don’t be scared to try with someone else, becoming a ‘regular’ is the best thing you can do to naturally get to know people, and hopefully someone will give you info on some other groups x

@Lauryne That's so reassuring that you also started to attend groups recently. I feel like I've missed the boat a bit by not starting earlier, so it feels like too little too late in a way 😥 I will definitely start with the library though and see how it goes, thank you so much!

It’s scary especially since my little one hadn’t had the chance to interact with other kids yet I had no idea how she would handle it! She took some time to adjust to each new place and would cling to me for the first 15 mins but we only started going at Halloween time and she absolutely loves it now she gets so excited to go to groups and our new friends are the sole attendees to her birthday party this month 🥰 I’m honestly so proud of myself for putting myself out there, you will be too! Good luck 🥰

@Lauryne That's amazing, you should totally be proud! You've given me the motivation to try it again. I had a not so great experience at a baby group early on with my LO, and despite trying to be friendly and chat to people, I found people weren't really open to starting a conversation. That put me off, as I'm not naturally very outgoing but I'm going to give it a go again. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!

There will always be someone!! Maybe that one person you’ll mesh with never goes to the library group and you need to go to the other groups to find them, keep trying and you’ll find your people! It’s much easier with toddlers too since they get all up in other toddlers faces and you’re kinda forced to talk to the parents 😂 if anything it’ll be good fun for your little one so there’s a positive no matter what x

Baby groups worked amazing for me too! Good luck!

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