Gestational Diabetes but Low Risk?

Hadn’t been tested for Gestational Diabetes as was low risk (ie low BMI, no family history etc), however at my latest midwife appointment, I pushed for a growth scan as had a gut feeling… Wasn’t measuring particularly big and was actually worried baby was underweight. She sent me for a 33 week growth scan and babies abdomen was now on the 98th percentile, when previously was on the 50th. Therefore they’re now querying GD and I’ve got to go Wednesday. Wouldn’t have known unless I’d pushed for the scan. Really worried as this could have been picked up earlier and despite asking my midwife multiple times, was told I don’t need to be tested. Has anyone had any similar experiences with finding out late and been able to rectify it?
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I was sent for a GD test last week as babies abdomen was large on a growth scan and my result came back normal. The scans aren’t always accurate depending on babies position and they can level out between scans! A friend of mine went through the same thing and at her next growth scan the babies abdomen was back in the normal range. Do you have symptoms of GD?

@Clare No! None! Thats whats worried me. No family history either. Plus I eat a relatively healthy diet, and have exercised throughout, which they said can reduce the risk. At 20 weeks he was bang on 50th percentile and no concerns but abdomen only jumped to 98th percentile yesterday so its freaked me out. Called antenatal clinic this morning and they’ve said they need me in ASAP as it looks like GD but literally no other symptoms!

If it helps I had GD last time and had absolutely no symptoms throughout so it can definitely happen, I did find out at 28 weeks though. And although your risk is lowered by lower BMI etc it’s not really a food issue, it’s all hormonal and your placenta blocking your insulin so please don’t feel guilty if you do end up with it - at my info session when I was positive, there was a huge range of body types there. If you do have it you’ll only be a few weeks behind where people usually get tested so you can make any dietary/ medication changes you need to and you won’t have a problem. As other post says as well scans aren’t always accurate x

I’m the exact same as you, 20 week scan everything was normal and bam they’re suddenly cuddly around the middle 😂 they are putting on fat right now so it could level out. I wouldn’t panic, you could have the test and it come back negative. From what I saw online, most of the treatment would be through diet management and as you eat really well and exercise you’d have already been managing it yourself without knowing

As bad as this sounds, I’m currently going through this too! I asked at 28weeks about GD test and got told no, asked every appointment after and got declined! I’m now 32 weeks and went into hospital for reduced movements to then get sent for a scan… on this scan baby’s belly was measuring big so I’m now waiting an appointment x

@Kia please let me know how you get on! Reassuring (in the worst sense) that i’m not the only one xx

Will do, happy to add you on socials if you like .. just let me know what your on xx

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