@Mia thanks so much for the validation! It’s so hard and I feel so guilty for getting annoyed. I even said to him today you’re a lucky boy that your sister is so calm else you wouldn’t get any of my attention!!! As he threw toys at me whilst I tried to give him 1:1 play time lol. Hopefully it’ll pass 😂🤞🏻
🙈 toddlers!! I’m truly sick of getting shouted at by my 2yo, tiny dictator. It is defo a phase and it will certainly pass but my god, it is really wearing 😵💫x
Yes same, I am normally a very patient person as well. Still working on how I handle myself in these situations, each day I say- today I am going to do things differently and work on myself. It is hard when they are both crying and want/need me and I’m so tired and the noise is overwhelming
💯 it’s so difficult, especially when the kick off is about something completely irrational, which it usually is. I don’t have any suggestions to deal with it but I just wanted to know that I am there with you x