I would say hook effect x
@Kirsty I hope so I'm freaking out about it lol 🤣 xx I have heard it does it with certain tests...but I just so anxious 🙏
When I miscarried my hcg didn’t drop until after I passed the baby, not sure if that’s always the case but I would think so
Hook effect really only is a thing when HCG reaches 500,000 - 1,000,000 which is super super high. If it’s hook effect, if you dilute your urine with some water it should be darker than a test done with undiluted urine.
I’d say it’s just a different batch of tests. As someone else has said the hook effect is only a thing when HCG is crazy high. Most women will have positive tests all the way through pregnancy even with multiples 3+ is the highest you will get on clear blue
@Ceri-Ann these tests I took where for the day of a missed period and are at a sensitivity of 25 imu ,on the digital I have read that you need to be in the thousands for 3+ ...I'm just so confused where the line test is so much lighter ,I thought it was going to be really dark 😭
I never had a super dark line on those tests, they never gave me a dye stealer and i was pregnant with twins. They’re cheap so the dye is a lower quality. Different batches will have different dye concentrations. I wouldn’t read too much into the dye strength if you don’t have pain or bleeding According to clear blue it only needs to be 2753 for 3+ HCG varies greatly from person to person 3 weeks: 5 - 72 mIU/mL. 4 weeks: 10 -708 mIU/mL. 5 weeks: 217 - 8,245 mIU/mL. 6 weeks: 152 - 32,177 mIU/mL. 7 weeks: 4,059 - 153,767 mIU/mL. 8 weeks: 31,366 - 149,094 mIU/mL. 9 weeks: 59,109 - 135,901 mIU/mL. 10 weeks: 44,186 - 170,409 mIU/mL
I had this and I was terrified. Cried for days before I went for my first scan and saw the little heartbeat. At first, the tests were really dark and then got lighter and lighter around 8-10 weeks. Thankfully all was okay and I made it through the first trimester. I’m now 17 weeks with a healthy baby boy.
@Sasha based off last period I'm only 6 weeks 3 days xx I just hope this baby sticks ,it's sucks that I'm this nervous when I just wanna enjoy being pregnant and get excited x
Personally my strongest and only dye stealer test was during my miscarriage
This is why I didn't retest this time, the dye could be the issue or it could be that your pee was more diluted. I tested 3 times with my son and the first was the darkest, it was a dye stealer, he is now 21 months old.
Woke up with horrible sickness this morning,so thats properly a good thing 😅 I'll keep you guys updated ♥️
Based of last period I would be 6/7 weeks ...