Is it a chemical pregnancy?

My tests are not getting darker. Today is 15 dpo. Yesterday I had moderate cramps and some pink spotting. Today, mild cramping and bleeding got red but very light flow, like spotting. I’ve had a MC when I was 7 weeks so this is new for me. Is it a chemical happening?
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I think the line for 15dpo is doubled what it was on 13. I wouldn’t test every day I’d do every 2 days. Unfortunately with chemicals it’s just the waiting game as it’s too early to do anything. Unless you can get hcg beta at the doctors x

Is the bleeding that makes me think it’s a chemical happening.

If it’s really red I’d say it’s probably a chemical. But some people do bleed like period bleeds and there baby still be okay. Ive had a chemical for my first time pregnant after 3 years of ttc and my tests stayed really light but I was in denial until I bled x

I don’t want to accept the chemical yet. But would you go to the A&E if bleeding?

@Megan that’s interesting. Did you have a successful pregnancy?

Still pregnant but farther along where it wouldn’t be considered a chemical if something did happen

@Megan glad to hear. I’ve seen both situations. Similar tests and different results. Hate this waiting game.

I had a chemical a few weeks ago at about 3 weeks pregnant, the lines were getting darker then stopped and I started bleeding, it was quite heavy definitely more than spotting. Some people do get some spotting/light bleeding in early pregnancy though! Fingers and toes all crossed for you 🤞✨

Thanks @Hannah. It’s hard to know what’s happening when it’s so different from person to person. I’ve been crying all morning

Can you get a test that is a bit better at early detection than the easy@home ones?

These are wondfo. I have ordered FR last week but Amazon is having delivery issues. I ordered again today with prime and it says it will be delivered tonight. I’ve been also using clear blue early detection but it’s the same. No line progression.

Line looks fine , HCG doubles every 48 hrs xx

I’m bleeding now. Red blood 😭😭

I'm sorry to say, but my tests were similar in that they were extremely faint, I was expecting a darker line after two days persisted to be faint, still faint two days after. Took a digital one that said 1-2 weeks pregnant. Then I thought that was legit as was in writing but a week later had a little bleed just on wiping. Went to A&E as started to get abdomen cramps. Took bloods and saw my HCG levels were falling. Then miscarried with lots of blood like a period from the day after A&E. A&E referred me to EPU who booked me for a scan even with knowing about the bleeding. On the scan, revealed that I was no longer pregnant. But it does go either way, sometimes it's just so early, levels can take a while. I would contact EPU anyway you can often self refer, as they would confirm so you know where you are at. I'm sorry you're going through this 😥 x

I'm so sorry ❤️ feel free to drop me a message of you need to chat!

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UPDATE: this was a chemical pregnancy 💔

I'm so sorry ❤️

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