@Becky thank you! i’ll have a look into this x
I am also reading oh crap which recommends starting at 20 months but I first read tiny potty which is for 18 mo+. As I did elimination communication starting at 12 mo so it would be better for us to do it earlier as he knows what potty is for and 80% of wee is getting in there since 15mo. I had up to 60% poop until last week then my dad died and well 💩 pullups it is. You've definitely got enough time to read a few books before starting so I would do that first to make sure you do it hopefully only once. Not all children ever show signs of readiness and not all parents are able to look closely enough to notice the signs.
The books suggest capability rather than readiness at 18-20mo if there is no developmental delay. Oh crap book asks if the child can communicate (eg with sign or whining or grabbing you) thirst, hunger and throw a tantrum (tantrum is good development as shows child knows what he or she wants). My son did things like always follow to bathroom and watch us (really helpful and we explain poop goes in toilet and doesnt hurt etc). He sits and releases on potty when prompted. He can get there and mount it himself. He stayed dry for nap since a long time before birthday (most children won't do this until potty training has been established but if a child does then it is a sign). He can hold his wee for over 1 hour (actually 3 hours awake or 5 at night). When he has potty or nappy free time he has awareness that he is about to pee, is peeing, has peed. He even has awareness of needing to go with a pullup on if he's not too distracted Your child doesn't need to show any of these signs. Some children show no signs
Oh and he seeks privacy/dark corner for poops and in some pullups he will be unhappy if he weed in it and will cry for a change, some children just pull at their nappy or tell you it's wet or dirty or bring you a new nappy. Again your child doesn't have to do any of this it's just examples of things that people consider signs. Some show 0 signs some 3 some all. They're all different!
If you really want to start before reading a book I would only try to catch poop if you already can tell when your LO is about to poop. Because they've been conditioned to poop in a nappy for their whole life it's their biggest security blanket and the sooner you get them use to poop going somewhere else going plop and not staying squished in private warm against their bum, and pooing sitting rather than standing the easier that will be ! Wee seems to be a way easier transition that can be tackled later no issue. But if she has no schedule or warning signs for poop I would just leave it for now read the books first ❤️💩🙏
When my first was 2.5 that was when we started and I’m glad to have started then,by 1 week he was toilet trained and a few months later he was dry in the night too. He’s never had any accidents and listens to his body well. He showed signs of readiness, whenever he pooped he would tell me and I would guess and tell him that he was pooping. We also used the toilet with an extra seat instead of a potty. -Months prior to starting I would sit him on the toilet before and after baths just so he wasn’t scared of it, he never wee there but it was good to familiarise. -We used sticker charts as a reward. - I had him in his underwear only for the first two days and when he had an accident I would tell him and constantly say let’s go toilet. - I would make sure he had loads of water and juice just so he knew and could feel the fullness of his bladder.
I got a potty she sits on before bath time to try, she loves it! She also tells me when she’s poo’d. But not quite ready for fully training yet x
thank you all so so much for this, you’ve given me so much information!! i massively appreciate you all, i’m so grateful!❤️
We’ve started but very informally. Basically just getting him used to the idea and letting him lead. It’s definitely not too early, some people and cultures never use nappies and use types of pottys from day 1. In terms of when she’s ready, I’ve heard conflicting things. I’ve heard that there’s no such thing and the idea of them being ready was invented my nappy companies, which honestly I can believe. But I also think there are signs that mean it might be an easier/more successful time to try, like them pulling at their nappy when it’s full or being able to tell you that it’s full/they need the toilet.
We are starting on Saturday! I got the "Oh Crap!" book and am going to follow that method as opposed to the traditional way. It's meant to be quicker and we don't have much time around work.